Citation Information :
Jayaraj D, S V. Unilateral Ankylosis of tbe Right Temporomandibular Joint in a Two Year Old Child - A Case Report. 2011; 1 (1):48-51.
Ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the inability to open the mouth due to fibrous or osseous union between the head of the mandible and glcnoid fossa. This report describes a case of2-ycar old female child who presented with progressive inability to open the mouth due to bony ankylosis of the right(TMJ).
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Tripa1hy S, Ya.seen M, Singh NN, Bariar LM. In1erposition ar1hroplasty in post- traumatic temporomandibular joint ankylosis a retrospective study. Indian J Plastic Surg 2009;42(2): 182-7.