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Jagadeesan M, Arulanandan S, Ravindran SK, Devi S. Knowledge and Attitude towards Management of Gingival Recession among Dental Professionals in Puducherry. 2023; 13 (2):41-44.
Gingival recession is represented by atrophic periodontal changes. Gingival recession is a problem affecting almost all middle and older aged to some degree. Gingival recession, a riddle or puzzle among clinicians due to its multiple etiologies and various treatment modalities are found to distress in the field of Periodontology. The aim of this study is to evaluate the knowledge on diagnosis, opinions, treatment options and interests among the dental professionals with regard to gingival recession. Data were collected by using a structured, validated, standard, self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire was sent to interns and post graduate students of all disciplines. Students were approached through known contacts and the questionnaire was sent as an online Google Form. Through the observations, we state that many dentists (interns and non-perio PGs) disregard these perioplastic procedures due to a lack of awareness, expertise and professional incompetence. Early detection and treating the gingival recession with appropriate perioplastic procedures will result in good outcome.
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