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VOLUME 4 , ISSUE 2 ( July-December, 2014 ) > List of Articles


Evaluation of Speech for a Patient with an Extensive Soft Palate Defect, Before and After Fabrication of Obturator

Cholan R, Dilip Kumar M, Vidyashree NV

Keywords : Pharyngeal Obturator, Velopharyngeal insufficiency, Hyper-nasality, Speech intelligibility

Citation Information : R C, M DK, NV V. Evaluation of Speech for a Patient with an Extensive Soft Palate Defect, Before and After Fabrication of Obturator. 2014; 4 (2):34-39.

DOI: 10.5005/jsd-4-2-34

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 13-08-2020

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2014; The Author(s).


Maxillary obturator prostheses restore the congenital or acquired defects of the soft palate and allow adequate closure of palatopharyngeal sphincter. Our patient, a 30-year-old female with a diagnosis of soft palate defect presented with complaints of speech difficulty and hyper-nasality. There was history of surgery for ameloblastoma of hard and soft palate one month ago. Intra oral examination revealed a soft palate defect. Since the patient had full dentition, pharyngeal obturator with clasp retention was given. Adequate velopharyngeal closure was detected after the patient was examined during drinking water in the upward head position. Moreover no nasal reflux was observed. A speech pathologist confirmed that the hyper-nasality was reduced immediately and advised for speech training classes. The production of oral and nasal consonants and the speech was noticeably improved after perceptual speech evaluation. We therefore emphasize the integration of an interdisciplinary team in order to increase the efficacy of rehabilitation ant the quality of life of these patients.

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