Splinting of Implants and Adjacent Natural Teeth for Esthetic Correction in Anterior Maxilla: A Case Report
Ananya S Venkatesan, Vinoth Kumar, Karthikeyan Ilangovan, Vineela K Reddy, Saravana K Ravindran
Keywords :
Implant and natural teeth connection, Maxillary anterior esthetics, Tooth and implant supported prosthesis
Citation Information :
Venkatesan AS, Kumar V, Ilangovan K, Reddy VK, Ravindran SK. Splinting of Implants and Adjacent Natural Teeth for Esthetic Correction in Anterior Maxilla: A Case Report. 2019; 9 (2):53-56.
The therapeutic goal of implant dentistry is not merely tooth placement but total oral rehabilitation. Implants provide excellent support for fixed appliances, increasing function as compared to conventional dental therapies. For long-term success of the procedure, the biomaterials, the mechanics used, and also the patient's cooperation for maintenance play a key role. The placement of dental implants in the anterior maxilla is a challenge for clinicians because of patients exacting demands and difficult preexisting anatomy. The esthetic restoration of anterior maxillary incisor area is critical to a successful outcome. This case report describes the placement of implant in the anterior maxillary region splinted with endodontically treated adjacent natural teeth and restoration of adjacent teeth to obtain an esthetic smile.
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