Microbrush stamp technique to achieve occlusal topography for composite resin restorations - A Technical Report
Geena Mary G, Ambily Jayadevan
Citation Information :
G GM, Jayadevan A. Microbrush stamp technique to achieve occlusal topography for composite resin restorations - A Technical Report. 2016; 6 (2):76-82.
Occlusal discrepancy after direct restorations, even if it is minor, leads to discomfort to the patients, since proprioceptors of stomatognatic system react sensibly under pressure. Eventually patients compensate by adapting to new habitual occlusal position, which causes serious long term craniomandibular disturbances. A stamp technique is proposed which is an easy-to-follow procedure to recreate accurate occlusal topography for a direct composite resin restoration effectively and efficiently.
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