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2013 | January-December | Volume 3 | Issue 1

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Manoharan PS, Priyanka R, Balasubramanian R

Evaluation of the fit of the reprocessed maxillary complete denture bases

[Year:2013] [Month:January-December] [Volume:3] [Number:1] [Pages:7] [Pages No:1 - 7]

Keywords: polymethylmethacrylate resin, complete denture, permanent denture base

   DOI: 10.5005/jsd-3-1-1  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Background: Reprocessing the permanent denture base after try-in is a common procedure in the complete denture fabrication. It is speculated that subjecting polymerized Poly-methyl methacrylate resin again to heat, during reprocessing can induce dimensional changes and a significant loss of intimate fit in the denture base to the tissues, can ultimately reduce the retention and stability of the complete denture. Aim and Objectives: The aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of reprocessing on the accuracy of fit of permanent poly-methyl methacrylate den-ture bases. Material and Methods: A resin edentulous maxillary model was duplicated and a total of twenty casts were poured with type III gypsum product. Group I: Permanent denture bases fabricated with heat polymerized Polymethyl-methacrylate resin. Group II: Group I permanent denture bases with wax rims reprocessed with heat polymerized Po-lymethylmethacrylate resin. Both the group were evaluated for fit using a travelling microscope. Results: Statistical analysis revealed that at each measurement period the mean posterior palatal border openings were not significantly different for processed and reprocessed denture bases. (p > 0.05). Discussion: Reprocessing permanent denture base under controlled laboratory conditions without significant dimensional change, will encourage the clinicians to use permanent record base during jaw relations and try-in. Conclusion: Maxillary permanent complete denture bases were not found to distort significantly as a result of first and second curing cycle. The central part of the posterior palatal border of the denture showed the greatest discrepancy, which was as less as 0.11 to 0.13mm. Reprocessing the perma-nent complete denture base in controlled laboratory conditions will not affect the fit and adaptation.



Ranga reddy D.S, Shankar Narayan G, Venkatesan S M, Veniashok B, Duraivel D

Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Intracanal Delivery Systems of Calcium Hydroxide -An In-Vitro Study

[Year:2013] [Month:January-December] [Volume:3] [Number:1] [Pages:7] [Pages No:8 - 14]

Keywords: calcium hydroxide, intracanal delivery systems, root canal

   DOI: 10.5005/jsd-3-1-8  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Aim: This study compared the weight & radiographic appearance of ca(oh)2 delivered into standardized, minimally & fully prepared canals. Materials & Methods: An injection system, an endodontic flex o file rotated counterclock wise direction, Lentulo spiral (maillefer, Ballalgues, Switzerland) & −04 Rotary niti files (Protaper, Dentsply, Maillefer, Switzerland) in an anticlock wise direction were used in this study. Two extracted human second mandibular premolars with single canals were prepared to an MAF # 25 and the other till #40. Results: The results of our study showed that lenulospiral achieved the maximum fills in the minimal & maximum prepared canals followed by injection system, rotary & k flex. Conclusion: All delivery techniques deliver near optimal weight of ca(oh)2 in the completely prepared canal. Complete instrumentation is needed to obtain optimal delivery of ca(oh)2.



Vidyalakshmi S, Sivaramakrishnan M, Suganya R

Peripheral Cemento-Ossifying Fibroma of Anterior Mandible – A Case Report

[Year:2013] [Month:January-December] [Volume:3] [Number:1] [Pages:5] [Pages No:15 - 19]

Keywords: reactive lesion, cementoid, peripheral ossifying fibroma

   DOI: 10.5005/jsd-3-1-15  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Peripheral ossifying fibroma is a sessile, pedunculated lesion arising from gin-giva. It is classified under non neoplastic lesions of gingiva. This article elaborates a case of peripheral ossifying fibroma occurring in the anterior mandible, which on histopathological examination revealed cementum like calcifications.



Sibu Sajjan Simon, Ranu Kumari A, Arun Paul Charllu, Sajani Ramachandran

A Cephalometric Technique to Aid in the Positioning of a Dental Implant

[Year:2013] [Month:January-December] [Volume:3] [Number:1] [Pages:5] [Pages No:20 - 24]

Keywords: cephalometric radiograph, surgical guide, dental implant

   DOI: 10.5005/jsd-3-1-20  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Dental implants have become a viable choice in treatment planning to replace missing teeth. Case se-lection in regards to various factors is of utmost importance to have a predictable outcome when considering treatment with dental implants. Advanced diagnostic techniques, using sophisticated software have become invaluable aids in predicting the locations for dental implants. Often the cost and accessibility to such advanced techniques deprive the patients of having a dental implant placed with superior techniques. This article aims to highlight a simple and modi-fied technique using a lateral cephalometric radiograph, which was used to identify the path of implant placement, in a region with unique limitations.



Jananni M, Sivaramakrishnan M, Gubernath U, Anitha Logarangini, Lakshmi Priya

Zucchellie's Technique with GTR Membrane for Multiple Gingival Recession Coverage

[Year:2013] [Month:January-December] [Volume:3] [Number:1] [Pages:5] [Pages No:25 - 29]

Keywords: zucchellie's technique, GTR membrane, gingival recession

   DOI: 10.5005/jsd-3-1-25  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Gingival recession associated with dentinal hypersensitivity is one of the commonest issues addressed by the periodontist. The treatment choice for these cases should address biological as well as patient chief complaint. Coronally advanced flaps for root coverage are the most commonly used technique for multiple teeth recessions. This case report describes a case of Class I gingival recession due to faulty brushing technique associate with dentinal hy-persensitivity treated with Zucchelli's modification of conventional coronally advanced flap with GTR membrane.



Raja Arun Kanth CH, Arun Jacob Silas, Kayalvizhi G, Saravana Kumar MS

Virtual Private Theatre System: A New Concept in Audiovisual Iatrosedation: Case Series

[Year:2013] [Month:January-December] [Volume:3] [Number:1] [Pages:5] [Pages No:30 - 34]

Keywords: virtual private theatre system, frankl's behavior rating scale, Iatrosedation, Behavioral pedodontics, Distraction

   DOI: 10.5005/jsd-3-1-30  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Distraction is one of the most commonly used techniques for control of pain associated with pediat-ric dental practice. Audiovisual iatrosedation with the virtual private theatre system distraction method is a new con-cept in behavioral pediatric dentistry and a boon to both patient and the clinician. In this case series frankl's behavior rating scale is used for evaluating the patients. This case report explored the use of virtual private theatre system in behavior management in pediatric dentistry.



Hanumanth S, U S Krishna Nayak

Surgical Orthodontic treatment of Skeletal Class II malocclusion

[Year:2013] [Month:January-December] [Volume:3] [Number:1] [Pages:10] [Pages No:35 - 44]

Keywords: BSSO, Mandibular advancement surgery

   DOI: 10.5005/jsd-3-1-35  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Traditional technique for correcting Class II in a growing patient is by growth modulation. In adults Class II discrep-ancy are treated either by orthodontic or comaflauge or by surgical correction. Class II discrepancies with mandibular deficiency are treated surgically by mandibular advancement surgery. Mandibular advancement by BSSO is found to be a stable procedure. An 18 year old patient reported to the department with complains of forwardly placed upper front teeth. On examination patient had a retrognathic mandible with Class II relation. Intra orally patient had a Class II molar and incisor relation with increased overjet and overbite. The treatment plan of combination of orthodontics and surgery was employed to correct the discrepancy and obtain an aesthetic, harmonious facial profile. The mandibu-lar advancement surgery was done which accomplished the objectives of the treatment.



Jeelani S, John Baliah

Nanotherapeutics in Oncology: Dendrimers the Nano Wonder

[Year:2013] [Month:January-December] [Volume:3] [Number:1] [Pages:9] [Pages No:45 - 53]

Keywords: nanotherapeutics, oncology, dendrimers

   DOI: 10.5005/jsd-3-1-45  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world. The research in the field of Oncology is a never ending journey. Emerging among the existing management modalities in Oncology is an enticing advance – Dendrimers as part of Nanotechnology. Simulating the concept of Trojan horse strategy are the nano molecules, Den-drimers which possess a design that provide a tailored sanctuary containing voids that provide a refuge from the out-side environment wherein the anti cancer drug molecules can be physically trapped and target the cancerous cells spe-cifically sparing the adjacent normal cells thus serving as an ideal technology in defending the disaster cancer.



Jeelani S, John Baliah

Virtopsy- A Moral Boon In Forensics

[Year:2013] [Month:January-December] [Volume:3] [Number:1] [Pages:5] [Pages No:54 - 58]

Keywords: virtopsy, forensic science, autopsy, forensic medicine

   DOI: 10.5005/jsd-3-1-54  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Death is an inevitable part of life and at few occasions scientific examination of bodies after death becomes mandatory. The contribution of Forensic science in achieving this is noteworthy. Forensic pathology is a discipline of Forensic science which deals with pathologic and physiologic changes of a body before and after death wherein autopsy plays a significant role. Conventional Autopsy involves Invasive body opening – the traditional means of postmortem investigation in Humans. Contrary to it is Virtopsy, a minimally invasive emerging technology in the field of Forensic medicine which incorporates Imaging technology that relies on certain fundamental pillars which include - Three dimensional surface scanning 3D/CAD photogrammetry, MSCT- multi slice computed tomo-graphy, MRI- magnetic resonance imaging and Magnetic resonance imaging spectroscopy. Thus serving as a moral boon in the field of forensics is Virtopsy which provides a platform wherein radiologists and forensic clinicians reflect an ethical face in forensic examination after death.



Anitha K, Sakthi Devi S, Arun Kumar A

Biomarkers –A Diagnostic Tool for Periodontal Diseases

[Year:2013] [Month:January-December] [Volume:3] [Number:1] [Pages:7] [Pages No:59 - 65]

Keywords: biomarkers, gingival crevicular fluid, periodontitis

   DOI: 10.5005/jsd-3-1-59  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


The conventional clinical diagnostic aids which were introduced almost half a century ago continues to function as the basis of diagnosis in clinical practice. Recent advances in biochemistry and molecular sciences brought us to the significance of biomarkers as diagnostic aids. This new advance in medical science for periodontal diagnosis will provide immense benefit in managing periodontitis patients. Biomarkers are tell – tale molecules that can be used to monitor health status, disease onset, treatment response and outcome. These biomarkers can be obtained from various body fluids. Obtaining GCF by non invasive method provides an easy and reliable modality in using GCF as potential source for biomarkers This simple and non- invasive nature of GCF sourcing and its high sensitivity assay development have led to the idea of using the GCF biomarkers as diagnostic aids for periodontal diagnosis.


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